
  • This Code of Ethics outlines the principles that guide our daily operations and interactions.
  • We are committed to conducting our business ethically, sustainably, with a focus on excellence in customer service, and responsible innovation.
  • Our Code of Ethics aims to set standards for the way we want to act both as individuals and as a business and to guide our employees in all decision making.

Integrity and Transparency

  • We aim to conduct all our business with integrity, honesty, and transparency.
  • Our communication, both internal and external, is grounded in accuracy, and we strive to provide information that is reliable and trustworthy.
  • We are committed to maintaining proper management of financial accounts and providing honest and transparent financial statements. Our financial practices adhere to international accounting standards, fostering trust among stakeholders.

Respect for People

  • We are committed to providing a working environment based on dignity, trust and respect.  Discrimination, harassment, and any form of unethical behaviour are not tolerated.
  • We are committed to respecting human rights wherever we operate.
  • We value the diversity of our workforce, recognising it as a source of strength and innovation.
  • We seek to recruit people who will share and engage in our sustainable mindset and ethical approach. We believe that by gathering individuals aligned with our values, that we further contribute to a positive and ethical work environment.

Excellence in Customer Service

  • Customer satisfaction is our priority. We strive to exceed customer expectations in all interactions.
  • We pledge not to mislead our customers, and always provide accurate and transparent information about our products and services.
  • Feedback from customers is sought after and valued, and we use it to continually improve our products and services.

Treatment of Suppliers

  • We are committed to honesty and openness in dealings with our suppliers.
  • We provide fair and reasonable payment terms, working collaboratively to maintain ethical and environmental standards throughout our supply chain.

Fair and Ethical Competition

  • We compete fairly, respecting all applicable laws and regulations.
  • Unethical business practices, including bribery and corruption, are strictly prohibited.

Responsible Innovation

  • We embrace innovation that is ethical, sustainable, and considers the potential social and environmental impacts.
  • Research and development efforts prioritise safety, ethical considerations, and adherence to applicable regulations.
  • We focus on efficacy without compromising responsibility.


  • We are committed to minimising our environmental impact and promoting sustainability in all aspects of our operations.
  • We strive to reduce waste, energy consumption, and carbon footprint.
  • We support responsible sourcing and procurement practices, prioritising environmentally friendly options.

Social Responsibility

  • We aim to contribute to the well-being of the communities in which we operate.
  • We support social initiatives and charitable activities that align with our values.

Our Health and Safety Commitment

  • We are committed to ensuring that the health, safety and welfare of all employees and third parties during our working operation is maintained and forms an integral part of business strategies.
  • Is our aim to operate with health and safety as a top priority together with other business aspirations.

Anti-Corruption and Bribery

  • We do not engage in any form of corruption, including bribery, kickbacks, or any other unlawful inducements.
  • Employees are prohibited from offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting any form of bribe or corrupt payment, whether directly or indirectly.

Compliance with Laws and Regulations

  • We have a strong focus on corporate responsibility, and we view legal compliance as a key element of doing business in the right way.
  • We aim to comply with all applicable laws and regulations in the countries and regions where we operate.

Confidentiality and Data Privacy

  • We protect confidential information, including customer and employee data, and adhere to all applicable data privacy laws.
  • Access to sensitive information is restricted to authorised personnel only.

Continuous Improvement

  • We are committed to continuous improvement in our business practices, ethics, sustainability efforts, and innovation processes.
  • We aim to review and assess our processes on an ongoing basis to identify areas for improvement and address any concerns.

Reporting Violations

  • All employees are encouraged to report any unethical behaviour or violations of this Code through established channels.
  • Whistleblower protection measures are in place to ensure the confidentiality and safety of those reporting violations.